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June 26th 2021

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Another pandemic protest. At least half a million turned up, maybe 3/4 million.

Starting at Hyde Park.





Louise Creffield of “Save Our Rights UK”, who had been hassled by the police at her home, a few days before.



Piers Corbyn



16 sec video (Bitchute) of protesters in Oxford Street:



David Icke

9 secs video of David posing for a photo:



Gareth Icke

10 second video (Bitchute) of Gareth and David:




Regent Street



Piccadilly Circus



David again.

30 second video of David talking:



The statues made me wonder if this part of Regent Street is a ley line.



Big Ben ahead.



David at Westminster



Below are the protest tennis balls thrown into the grounds of Big Ben.